Advanced Podiatry

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry

Podiatrist McKail 

Put your wellbeing at the forefront with our patient-focused podiatry services.

Caring for Your Feet

Our feet impact everything we do. From daily activity to exercise, leisure or simply just getting around, the health of your feet can have a direct impact on your overall health and happiness.At Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry, our primary aim is to ensure you receive the best care for your foot health at every step. We integrate caring, patient-focused attention with state-of-the-art technology and treatment approaches to offer excellent podiatric care for those in McKail and the surrounding regions.

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry

Complete Podiatry Care

We treat you as an individual, not a condition. Our team of podiatrists are dedicated to developing a personalised treatment plan that aims to alleviate discomfort, increase performance and empower you to be involved in your own health and recovery. 


We deliver care for numerous foot and lower limb issues, catering to both adults and children across all ages and lifestyles.

General Foot Care

Our general foot care services are designed to help you manage and sustain the overall health of your feet. From ingrown toenails and corns to calluses, wart removal, and fungal nail infections, our podiatrists work to keep your feet happy and healthy.

Sports Performance and Injury Management

An active lifestyle has key benefits for your overall health. Our podiatrists work with people of all activity levels, assisting with injury management and rehabilitation using our state-of-the-art equipment. Our support doesn’t stop there though – we also aim to help you increase your athletic performance offering dedicated strength and conditioning coaching and technique analysis tools.

Heel Pain Treatment

Heel pain is a prevalent condition that affects the feet and can greatly impact your daily activities. We provide treatment for various conditions such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, stress fractures, arthritis, nerve pain, and Sever's disease, using a broad array of techniques and treatment options.

Lower Limb Pain

Podiatry isn’t just focused on your feet! Our team also offer care for conditions affecting the lower limbs including Achilles tendon pain, ankle pain and knee pain. We assess the cause of your discomfort, looking at potential factors such as biomechanical issues, muscular imbalance, acute injury and chronic conditions to develop a treatment plan aimed at addressing any underlying issues.

Custom Orthotics

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry offer onsite scanning and 3D printing of custom orthotics, tailored to your specific needs. Our precision-made orthotics can be utilised to treat a range of conditions, providing support and alignment and helping to improve the function of your feet.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes-related complications can impact your foot health, increasing the risk of injuries and infections. Podiatric care is crucial for a diabetes management plan, aimed at minimising the risk of serious foot issues and managing overall foot health through preventive measures, education, and personalised care.

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry

Ready to Start Your Journey to Optimal Health? 

Connect with our friendly team today

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry

Better Together

Our core philosophy is to help you get better, together. We aim to offer superior care with a commitment to continual improvement and customer-focused treatment options. 

Our podiatry clinic integrates cutting-edge podiatry technologies with a warm and devoted team that focuses on your unique health needs in every aspect of our care. 

Individualised Treatment

We know that no two people are alike, so a standard treatment plan won’t work for everyone. We pay attention to your concerns, goals, and needs to design a plan that suits you best.

Focused on Your Goals

Focused on Your GoalsWe prioritise your health, management, and recovery, not just ticking boxes. Our treatment path is clear and focused, keeping you engaged and involved at every stage.

Outcome Driven

We utilise state-of-the-art equipment and custom-built facilities to ensure your progress is on track, helping you reach the best possible health outcomes.

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry


In order to get the most out of your initial appointment, we ask you to bring a few things with you. We recommend bringing 2-3 pairs of the shoes you wear the most often, plus any current orthotics, braces or other equipment you may already be using. Wearing clothing that allows us to access your feet and lower limbs and that you are comfortable moving in is ideal where possible. It can also be helpful for you to note any symptoms, discomfort and any factors impacting these to help us in our diagnosis and treatment plan. 

No, a referral is not required to book with our podiatrists. If you are accessing our services under an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan you will need a referral to claim under Medicare. Some private health insurance claims may also benefit from a referral for some conditions – we recommend checking with your GP or provider if you are not sure. 

In many cases, podiatry can be covered by private health insurance, but the specifics may vary between policies and providers. We recommend confirming with your private health insurance provider before booking to avoid any unexpected costs. 

Your initial consultation involves your podiatrist getting to know you, including your medical history, treatment goals, and any concerns you have. We will then perform a comprehensive examination of your feet and lower limbs, usually incorporating gait analysis and paying attention to specific issues. Once this is done, we’ll go over our findings and recommendations with you. 


Seeing a podiatrist is recommended if you’re dealing with ongoing pain, skin or nail issues, non-healing injuries, or any general foot concerns disrupting your daily life and health. Early intervention often leads to more treatment choices, so don’t hesitate to get professional advice if you’re worried. 

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry

Your Support Team

Our team are friendly, skilled and qualified and we are ready to help you with your podiatry requirements.

Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry

A Podiatry Practice that Prioritises You

At Advanced Family & Sports Podiatry, your health goals and needs are our sole focus. We offer modern and professional podiatry care, serving the McKail community. 

 Contact our friendly team to begin your journey today. 

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